Your product is something that people apply to their skin and it’s a big deal! That’s why it’s no secret that you need to earn the trust of people before making them buy your product cause the relation between your beauty brand and your customer will be intimate and it’s all about TRUST.
And there are several factors on how you can establish that trust:
1. Have a good quality product
This is the cornerstone of a thriving business. A product that stays true to its claims and improves the life of your customers will do wonders. However, if you sell a low-quality product, people will know that it’s all just fluff and the reviews might hurt your brand. Take note: Word of mouth is very powerful.
After all, no amount of marketing can compensate with a product’s quality. Good branding and marketing will make people buy from you, but it is your product’s quality that will make them stay and buy again.
2. Build Social Proof
A regular person reads reviews before buying. Is this you? Cause this is me too! It is known that people trust other people’s opinions more than the content that you put out there. So encourage reviews from your customers. Your brand will show that you care about what your customers think and that you are confident in your product’s quality.
In any case, you receive a negative review (hopefully not), respond with transparency and turn it into a positive situation.
So show off those glowing reviews cause these are social proofs that build trust.
3. Have Brand Consistency
To establish trust, your brand must be consistent in every aspect. From your visuals, all the way to your brand core and messaging. Being exposed to these elements repeatedly will help establish brand recognition and loyalty.
Consider your brand as a person, if it’s not consistent and true to its words, promise, and actions it can be considered untrustworthy.
Meanwhile, Visuals also play a vital role in your branding. Your visuals should reflect the personality of your brand and it should look professional and attractive. It’s easier to trust a brand that looks professionally done vs a brand that is all over the place and looks DIY.
To wrap this up, remember that people are looking for honesty and integrity. If you want your brand to build trust that means you got to walk the talk and build a good impression in your customers with good branding. Your customers will appreciate it and soon will turn to loyal customers and fans who will put a good word of mouth on behalf of your brand.
Standout Visual does it work to help you have that brand consistency in your beauty business. If you need help with your brand strategy and design for your beauty business. Feel free to get in touch on our contact page.